Indira-An embodiment of power

Articles on Indian Politicians

When the sun sleeps down below the horizon and birds retreat to their nests, the magnificent lady with her characteristic poise would bask in the open air, contemplating on myriad of things that made her what she became.


Indira Gandhi, the woman was a true fighter in every sense when seen as an ignored child, a withdrawn teenager, an unsuccessful wife or a stoic minister of the nation.

“I am not a person to be pressured by anybody or any nation,” groaned the iron lady full of endurance, perseverance, diligence and determination after the war with Pakistan ended.

Indira’s  life had frequent mishaps that dwindled her spirit and gave her severe distress but she learnt to walk against her fear of darkness and shadows.

Invincible outside, broken inside, whenever the flurry of dreary moments struck her, she would recall the letters from her father written in prison.

During the nascent years of her life, she learnt that silence is a powerful weapon and used it to curb her emotions. But she would, on the other hand, listen with great intensity the things spoken to her and also the wind buzzing around her which appeared to be tainted with the beats her husband made her to hear. That was during their courtship before marriage since when destiny followed a daisy chain of problems.

Indira picked up causes larger than the love of home and family. Yet she fell in love and craved for a life free of turmoil. Torn up between the love of her husband, and the expectations of a political father, sacrifice was certain to be made on either end.

Losing her mother at young age, her father and her husband later on, she was left as a lonely figure, bearing the weight of national freedom struggle on her delicate shoulders. But so forth, she was only struggling from beneath the ledge of ice in a suffocating shack until she broke the layer and emerged as the prime minister of India.

She went to war with Pakistan in support of the Indian independence movement and crises in East Pakistan, which resulted in Indian victory and the creation of Bangladesh. She also raised India’s influence to the extent that it became the regional hegemony of South Asia.

Indira promoted education through both television and radio as broadcasting media. Besides, she made India self sufficient in food by making the Green Revolution a key government priority and initiated new hybrid seeds along with state subsidies.

Her struggle was endless that kept draggling her white impeccable form with the sands of crises and tragedies. But she ended up being the only woman to play such a dominant role in the history of Indian politics.

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