Coming to End

Best poem on breakup

Time beckons to brush away elusive serenity

It lets the dreamy nightmare to persist for eternity.

Those who are searching for me here and there

Dreadful Zombies eagerly roam everywhere.

Turpitude of the beast may have taken over

Leaving me indeed no place where I can cower.

Trapping motionless into the web of delusion

Helplessly killing me is my own Seclusion.

However hard I try I am losing my own form

Painful is the survival that makes my body deform.

That which is the punishment to my novelty

Transformed everything that was joy into bitter reality.

When the tenuous thread of trust is so easily broken

Fake promises and lies are what were bespoken.

The ugly crooked frog hence deceived the nightingale

One who tried to strive but left a sad tale behind.

Best poem on breakup
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Bharti Jain

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