The Richest Soul

Once there was a peasant
Who lived life so decent
He had a small cottage to reside
Since all his kin had died
He would work in the fields
Quite enough to meet his needs
Seldom did he have much to reap
Not even the rains made him weep
He would sleep in the woods so dark
With no hope for next day to spark
There was no property to lend
He had no money in hand
But one belief he kept in mind
The gifts he received were kind
He thanked the God of his creed
For the fresh air that he could heed
For the heart which was full of love
So the joys of life he could observe
Sadness was easy to survive
For his faith in nature was sublime
He lived a simple and lonesome life
Only to die one day with a smile
A poor loner from this world had gone
As the richest soul on Earth unknown

Bharti Jain

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