
India in 2019
Black witch of unjust pervades
trapping the lives of unfortunate many
The loss of vision caused by the smog
is often called as a mental agony
Blaring horns make a deafening noise
As the metal bees jostle haphazardly
With little scrapes here and there
They reach their office, injured very
The swarm recedes under the sun
As its light flashes on crystal grey roads
Unfolding tranquil only for few hours
Until roll down again the smoky wheels
The belching out ghosts of choking air
blur the Sun now fading out.
Nausea, headache, maladies and mishaps
Don’t cease with blizzard honking knells
One after the other, they stagger in fury
Inching slowly and slowly
full of impatience, rage and animosity
With an exchange of malign looks
drivers travel the crammed route along
They scuffle with ghastly shadows all day
that turns their face pale, head spin and throat dry
Yet no mercy for the passers by
With little scrapes here and there
They reach their homes, injured very.

Traffic in India has become so obstreperous that it ramifies into various consequences such as traffic jams and accidents further leading to deaths and diseases, short life span, poor and slow economy, psychological hazards and sometimes riots.

According to a report by the World Health Organization, India has the highest number of deaths in the age bracket of less than five years old. In 2018, 2 million people died in the country due to air pollution while a nationwide survey of the same year published in Lancet Planetary Health reported that at least 12.5% of deaths in 2017, or one in eight, were attributed to pollution.

In the same vein, traffic accidents in India are a major source of deaths, injuries and property damage every year.  National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) 2016 report states accounted 464,674 road accidents which caused 148,707 traffic-related deaths in India

India in 2019
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India in 2019
Bharti Jain

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