First crush
It was my last day,
And perhaps his first.
As Just as I saw him,
Mystical feelings rushed.
His Saintly smile did me a trick,
So as his silence failed all unjust.
With his walk smooth and sober,
Everyone in the room shushed.
Not enough to look at him was,
Secretly, in my sleeves I blushed.
He gave me reason to cheer.
When my dreams came to rust.
Alas, the class was up in no time,
Which left my hope crushed.
Out of the room, I walked slowly,
With his face in my memory cuffed.
My heart could be broken,
If it were but a worldly thirst.
But with a glimpse of the stranger,
Could I enjoy the happiness I must.
Boarding the metro I played music
The moment appeared so chuffed.
Summer breeze turned unusually pleasant,
With a tingling sensation it would encrust.
Tapped in a new restaurant was me, a girl
dining alone was never whose interest.
But with a wish to celebrate the day,
I had eagerly ordered cheese burst.
No exchange of words I ever had with him,
Nor a communication link ever he touched.
But it now makes no sense at all,
In the nightly dreams, since we hugged.
Carrying a blurred vision of his looks,
For his name on facebook I surfed.
I reminded him of the meeting,
And his click made my request served.
It has been seven years,
For not a single topic discussed.
Buried in my secret memory,
My little crush would go snuffed.
There’s a need to tell who you love,
What part of your life they engulfed.
Lest life ends in no time,
Leaving behind words unheard.
So I called him one night,
To tell him about the day I loved.
He thanked me with a smile,
And life moved on with a new thrust.