Elon’s Neuralink BCI becomes Life Changer for the Disabled

The concept of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) originated with the aim to restore function and communication in individuals with severe disabilities. BCIs have been around for several decades with the first functional BCI system introduced in 1970s and 1980s. Over the time, there have been significant advancements in BCI technology, including invasive methods, with applications ranging from medical rehabilitation to gaming and communication.
Elon Musk’s neurotechnology company named Neuralink founded by in 2016 is dedicatedly focused at enabling communication between the human mind and computer (or other external devices) to help paralytic patients control external devices with their minds.
Neuralink’s implant allows a patient to use their thoughts to control a computer through bidirectional communication so that information could be read from the brain and also sent back to it.
The BCI made a breakthrough in January 2024 with the first transformative surgery on a 29-year-old man named Noland Arbaugh at Barrow Neurological institute in Arizona. Arbaugh, who is a quadriplegic patient agreed to undergo this surgery as part of clinical trial to demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of the implant in a person’s daily life and became the first person to try this implant.
Post surgery life
Earlier, Noland Arbaugh relied on a mouth-stick stylus for tablet that had to be put in place by a caregiver. The stick can only be used in the upright position to operate a tablet. With prolonged use it can lead to discomfort, muscle fatigue, and pressure spasms and sores; it also prevents normal speech. But after the chip implant, he is able to control his laptop from various positions and engage in digital activities without requiring any assistance.
Now, he can play video games and online games using his mind, browse the internet including live streams, and use various applications, all by controlling a cursor with his mind. Now, Arbaugh is happy for the remarkable improvement in quality of life. Good thing is that researchers can monitor its performance remotely and the effects on person’s quality of life.
When we talk of BCI, efficiency in terms of bitrate is important, i.e the amount of data that can be transmitted or processed by the BCI within a given time frame measured in bits per second (bps). The most significant achievement was cursor-control at a speed of 4.6 bits per second which then surpassed to 8 bps setting up a world record.
“It’s like a luxury overload, I haven’t been able to do these things in 8 years and now I don’t know where to even start allocating my attention.” — Noland Arbaugh, stated.
Neuralink device combines advanced electronics, materials science, and neurotechnology to create a sophisticated brain-computer interface capable of both recording and stimulating neural activity with high precision and reliability.
The core component of the Neuralink device is a small, implantable chip that houses the electronics necessary for interfacing with the brain. Projecting from the chip are ultra-thin threads, each containing a multitude of electrodes that are designed to read and stimulate neural activity. The electrodes can pick up signals from large groups of neurons and also send electrical impulses to stimulate neural activity. Once implanted, the device can map the brain’s activity by recording electrical signals generated by neurons through the neural interface with the electrodes. The signals are then sent to the signal processing unit responsible for decoding the neural signals to understand patterns associated with various thoughts, movements, or sensory inputs. After amplification, filtering, and digitization, the signals are then transmitted wirelessly to external devices such as computer, smartphone, etc. Conversely, the external devices also provide feedback to the brain in the form of sensory information, hence creating a bidirectional interface between the brain and external technology. This enables the possibility of controlling external devices using just the power of thought.

For the first time in May, a minor malfunctioning was reported in a portion of brain chip when the amount of data generated by the chip showed a decline. This happened because some of the electrode-studded threads connected with the brain tissue began to retract resulting in a net decrease in the number of effective electrodes. But Neuralink confirmed that it has fixed the problem by modifying the recording algorithm to be more sensitive to neural signals, improved the techniques to translate these signals into cursor control, and advanced the user interface.
Owing to the success of the chip, the device has been implanted in second patient in August 2024 who has a spinal cord injury. It has been reported that within a month’s time, one third of the device 1,024 electrodes are functioning indicating a fair progress.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it’s estimated that there are approximately 65 million people worldwide living with moderate to severe physical disabilities out of which approximately 2.5 million people worldwide have quadriplegia. These people, on not being able to connect with digital world on their own suffer decreased independence, isolation, and financial challenges.
As per the company’s blog, the futuristic approach aims at extending the Link’s functionality to the physical world to enable control of robotic arms, wheelchairs, and other technologies that may help restore autonomy in individuals living with physical disabilities or neurological conditions.
However, it’s important to note that the practical implementation of such ideas would depend on the development of the technology, ethical considerations, and societal acceptance.